How do I import my Jamboards into Padlet Sandbox?
Google Jamboards will no longer be an available tool starting on October 1st. From October 1st - December 31st 2024, users will be able to continue to access Jamboards and download .jam files from their google drive.
AFTER 12/31/24: Jamboards will no longer be able to be accessed. Any Jamboard files in your Google Drive will be converted to PDFs.
NOTE: This process will not work if you do not convert your Jamboards files before 12/31/24. PDFs are not editable in the same way that converting a Jamboard file to a Padlet Sandbox is.
Navigate to and click Import from Jamboard

In the top right corner of your homepage after navigating to you will see a button to Import from Jamboard under your user profile.
Click Connect

Sign into your google account that contains your Jamboards

Check the box to allow access for Padlet and Google to communicate then click Continue

Select which Jamboards you want to import

NOTE: To select more than one file to upload, press and hold, Command on a mac or Control on a PC, while selecting multiple files.
Click Select to begin importing

Confirm all Jamboards Imported

Once the import is complete on each file a check mark will appear to the right.
A new Jamboard imports folder will be created

From your home page on the left-side navigation you will find a new folder named, Jamboard imports for easy access .
We recommend downloading all your Jamboards locally, for any future use/importing to other tools that convert .jam files. After December 31st all .jams not saved locally will become PDFs and will no longer be able to be converted.
To easily find all .jam files, enter type:jam into your drive search box

For support with Padlet email [email protected]