Educational Technology User GuidesVerityVerity for InstructorsHow do I set up a Verity live proctoring session?

How do I set up a Verity live proctoring session?

Once you have set up your quiz or exam with Verity settings in the Canvas course you can also add live-proctoring to it. Proctoring is done online by either the course instructor, or by proctors from YuJa.

You can create one or more live proctoring sessions for the exam. The instructions below show you how —

In the Canvas course confirm that your exam has been set up with YuJa Verity by checking the title. It will contain the phrase "(YuJa Verity for Test Proctoring)".

Click on "YuJa Verity" then click "Live Proctoring" and "Live Sessions"

Click "Create Time Slots"

You will see the Scheduling window

From the "Proctored Assessment" drop-down menu choose the exam you need to set up live-proctoring for

Click "Add Date"

In the "Date and Time" section add the exam date, start time, duration, and number of students who will take the exam

NOTE: be sure to set the actual timing of the quiz in the Canvas Quiz settings. And then, in the Verity proctoring session settings, add an additional half hour. So, e.g., if the Quiz in Canvas is 30 minutes, set the Verity proctoring session to 1 hour.

The additional half hour in the proctoring session will give students ample time to quit out of all their other apps and follow the necessary steps to launch the Verity Lockdown browser app before they actually enter and start the Quiz.

If you wish to include other live proctoring sessions for this exam at another date or time click "Add Date" and fill out the details for each. To delete sessions click the "trash" icon.

When you are done adding proctoring sessions click "Apply and Proceed"

In "Assign Proctors" you can either (1) choose a Canvas course instructor to be proctor from the "Select Proctor" drop-down menu, or (2) choose a YuJa proctor by clicking "Invite Proctor Group"

To request a YuJa Proctor choose "YuJa Proctor" from the "Select Proctor Group" drop-down menu

When you're done choosing a proctor click "Apply and Proceed"

A message will confirm that your human-proctored time slots having been created

In the "Confirm Details" section you can review the details of the proctoring sessions you've created and then click "Exit"

Note: to edit to the details of the proctoring session click "Back", make the changes, then click "Exit"

In the YuJa Verity page of the Canvas course, in the Live Proctoring > Live Sessions tab, you will now see the proctoring session(s) you just scheduled

Once you've scheduled a live-proctoring session for a YuJa Verity exam, your students will need to register for it. This guide has content and links you can share with your students to step them through registration and getting ready to take the exam —

See: How do I prepare my students to use YuJa Verity with an exam in Canvas?

For support using Verity in Canvas for proctoring exams contact [email protected].