Educational Technology User GuidesVerityVerity for InstructorsHow do I edit the details of an existing Verity live proctoring session?

How do I edit the details of an existing Verity live proctoring session?

If you have already created a live proctoring session in Verity but wish to edit the details such as date, time, proctor, etc., follow the instructions below —

Go to the course in Canvas and click YuJa Verity in the left-hand menu

In the Verity menu click "Live Proctoring" then click "Live Sessions"

In the "Upcoming Sessions" area find the session you wish to edit, click the three dots "..." to the right of it, and choose "Edit"

Click the pencil icon to edit the Date and Time details

Make edits to the existing date, time, duration, and capacity

On this screen you can also click the trash icon to delete the session and start over. You can also click "Add Date" to add an additional proctoring session for this exam at another date and time.

When you're done making changes click "Proceed"

You will see a message indicating that your edits have been saved

On the next screen, if needed, you can choose a different proctor from the "Select Proctor" dropdown menu or choose a YuJa proctor by clicking "Invite Proctor Group"

When done click "Proceed"

You will see the revised session details. Click "Exit" to finish.