Virtual Microscope Admin and Faculty Documentation
Adding Slides
Only Admins have permissions to add slides to Tufts Virtual Microscope.

- Click on Admin from the top bar. This will open the Site Administration page.
- Click on Add adjacent to the Slides item.
- One the Add slide page, enter a URL, Label and Maximum Google Zoom Level.
- Click the Save button.
Creating a Collection
Only Admins have permissions to create collections in Tufts Virtual Microscope.

- Click Admin on the top menu bar. This will open the Site Administration page.
- Click on Add next to the Collections item.
- On the Add collection page, enter a Label and Authors who should have editing/faculty rights within that collection.
- Click the right-facing arrow to add the selected author(s) to the Chosen authors box.
- Click the Save button.
Adding Slides to a Collection
Admins and faculty who author collections can search all slides in Tufts Virtual Microscope to add to a collection.

- Click on Collections in the top menu bar.
- Select the collection you want to add slides to.
- Click the Edit button next to the collection name.
- On the Editing page, enter the label, tissue type, or stain, etc., in the Search box to find the desired slides.
- Click the Add button next to the slide name to add it to the collection.
When you add a slide that already has metadata, the existing metadata will auto-populate the editor.
Editing Slide Metadata and Removing Slides from a Collection
Admins and Faculty who author collections can edit the content of a collection.

- Click on Collections in the top menu bar.
- Select the collection you want to edit.
- Click the Edit button next to the collection name. This takes you to the Editing page.
- Click and hold on the double-headed arrows to drag particular slides up or down the list to reorder.
- Click the Edit button to edit the metadata of a slide. (See additional way to edit the metadata in section below.)
- Click the Remove button to remove the slide from the collection.
Removing a slide from a collection deletes the metadata data and markers from the slide.
Editing Slide Metadata
Admins and Faculty who author collections can edit slide metadata.

- Click on the Collections menu at the top of the screen to select a collection.
- From within the collection, click on a slide thumbnail or name to open the viewer for that slide.
- Click on the blue Edit button in the top-right corner of the viewer to enter/edit slide metadata.
Adopting a Marker
Admins and Faculty who author collections can adopt Community/Student Markers.

- Click on the Community Marker button in the top-right corner of the slide viewer.
- Click on the Adopt link in the marker info window to edit it. The original author will be listed on the info window, and will continue to get attribution, but no long have editing rights to that marker.
When you adopt a marker, the original author will continue to show on the info window, but will no long have editing rights to that marker.