How do I trim footage from the beginning and end of a video?
Open a video in the Kaltura Video Editor and follow these steps to remove footage from the beginning and end of a video --
Move the Real Time Marker to where you would like the new beginning of the video to be
If needed, use the Zoom slider to zoom into or out of parts of the timeline, for more precise placement of the Real Time Marker
Click the "[" icon to mark the new in-point for the video
Move the Real Time Marker to where you would like the new end of the video to be
Click the "]" icon to mark the new out-point for the video
The video will now be highlighted in yellow with the new in-points and out-points
When finished click "Save a Copy" to save the edited copy of the video
Enter a title and click "Create". The edited video will then be available in Kaltura My Media
The next user guide will show you how to remove footage from within a video