How to link an Easy Generator course to your Canvas course
In your Easy Generator course Open the Publish Tab

Choose "Share private link"

Copy the course URL

In Canvas, Open Assignments

Click + Assignment

Set up your assignment as normal

Only the Name field is mandatory.
All other fields can be left at the default.
Remember that Easy Generator gives full credit for completion, and will not pass back any other grades regardless of the assignment set up. For example, the above setup will enter 10 points into the students grade book.
Under submission type choose "External Tool"

Click Find

Choose Easy Generator, then Select

Remove placeholder text from the URL created

Click into the filed marked "Enter or Find an External URL" and use your right arrow to find the end to the URL. Highlight and delete the text
Paste your course URL into the field

Use Control+V(PC) or Command+V (Mac) to paste in the URL we copied earlier. Be sure that the "URL=" text was not overwritten or deleted.
Load this tool in a new tab" is recommended

Click Save or Save & Publish
The Easy Generator course is now available in your course assignments area. You can add it to a page or assignment as normal.