AI and Teaching Resources

Resource Lists

AI in Higher Education Resource Directory
Comprehensive list compiled by educators in POD Network’s AI in Education group 

AI and Higher Ed

Enhancing Higher Education With Generative AI: A Responsible Approach
by MIT SMR Connections Staff, MIT Sloan Management Review, June 17 2024

In the Coming Weeks, How to Respond to Generative AI
by Ray Schroeder, Inside Higher Ed, Feb 15 2023

Course Design and AI

Thinking about our Assessments in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Tufts Center for Enhancing Learning and Teaching (CELT), Jan 31 2023  

Designing Courses in the Age of AI
Tufts CELT, Mar 14 2023

101 creative ideas to use AI in education, A crowdsourced collection
Chrissi Nerantzi, Sandra Abegglen, Marianthi (Marianna) Karatsiori, Antonio Martínez-Arboleda, June 23, 2023

Authentic Assessments
Univ of Illinois, Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence, Apr 15 2022

Critical Thinking and other Higher-Order Thinking Skills
UConn, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Educational Technology Tools at Tufts

Content Creation with AI

How to Get the Best Results from ChatGPT
James Intriligator, Professor of Human Factors Engineering, TuftsNow, July 21, 2023

Creating Images with AI

Image Prompting 101

Image Accessibility Creator
Arizona State University, GPT-4 based AI tool for automatically generating image descriptions and alt text

AI and Creative Content Ownership

OpenAI Form for Artist and Creative Content Owner Opt Out
For artists and content creators to request that their content not be used in future datasets by OpenAI.

Contact [email protected] for a consultation around using any of these tools/platforms related to AI and teaching