What is Rumi?

If you are interested in participating in the Rumi Pilot, please fill out this form.

NOTE: we have a limited number of seats available. Please fill out the survey if you want to participate.  

Rumi is a tool to promote academic honesty in the age of AI.

Rumi is a Canvas assignment app that deters AI misuse in writing assignments. Rumi is not an AI detection tool. Rumi records the student's writing and measures things like pasted text and the number of revisions to give you a sense of whether the student is actually writing the submission. 

Students write inside Rumi

Here is an example of the student view in Rumi. Watch this video to see Rumi from the students perspective. 

How does Rumi prevent AI misuse?

Rumi encourages students to write in their own voice and do their own thinking. It will try and detect when students are not creating their own writing, and then gathers evidence that you can use to determine if the student is following your AI use policy. Rumi does this in a number of ways:

  1. Prevents students from copying and pasting from other sources without attribution. Whenever a student pastes text into the assignment, Rumi asks for a justification of where the text came from. You can evaluate if this is a quote, draft, or chunk of text taken from chatGPT.
  2. Records the students writing so that their instructor can evaluate their process. When students create their own work, it looks very different from when they transcribe from chatGPT.
  3. Evaluates the students writing behavior. Rumi has a number of metrics that help you see, at a high level, which submissions need to be evaluated for unethical AI use.
  4. Rumi allows students to use AI tools that you have approved and records those interactions for you to review.


How to learn more

Watch our prerecorded webinar.

Read our documentation.

Review the Rumi Website

Schedule a one-on-one appointment to get started by emailing [email protected].

Reminder we have a limited number of seats available.

If you are interested in participating in the Rumi Pilot, you MUST fill out this form.