Patient Log Reports
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Roles and Access Points:
Patient Log Admin: This role can see all of the logs and reports for all clerkship patient log sites and time periods. It is accessible from the Patient Log Admin course and all patient logs within the school can be accessed. The Patient Log Admin can not approve a student’s log entries.
Course Director: This role can see all of the logs and reports for all patient log within a clerkship for all sites and time periods. It is accessible from clerkship course. All patient logs within the school can be accessed. The Course Director can approve a student’s log entries.
Site Director: This role can see all of the logs and reports for all patient log within a clerkship for the defined sites and time periods. It is accessible from clerkship course. All patient logs within the school can be accessed. The Site Director can approve a student’s log entries.
Navigating Canvas to Patient Log Reports:
Patient Log Admin: For school users in need of access to all patient logs across all locations and time periods, there is a single timeless Canvas course that contains all of the patient log reports:

Course and Site Directors: For course and site directors who need access to a single clerkship in a single location or multiple locations, access to the Patient Log will be available through Clerkship Site:
These courses will use the naming convention: Year-Department-CourseID-Title. For example:
- 2021-MED-MED300-Medicine
- 2021-OBG-OBG300-Obstetrics-Gynecology
- 2021-PED-PED300-Pediatrics
- 2021-PSY-PSY300-Psychiatry
- 2021-SGN-SGN300-Surgery
- 2021-NEU-NEU400-Neurology

All Reporting Access:
Within the Canvas Clerkship course, click on the "Patient Log" Link on the inner left tool bar within course menu.

Main Filter Menu
Admin Course will have access to select any of the courses that have a patient log associated with the school.
Course and site directors will see only the patient log associated with the specific course assigned.
Course Menu: Based on the admin course or clerkship course
Time Period Menu: Select all or the appropriate time period that are available based on the assignment of the students. For site directors, if a location does not have students enrolled for a time period, the time period will not be on the site director's menu.
- If the time period has an "*" at the end of the field, it represents multiple end dates for that particular time period.
Field Menu: Select the field to load the report. The fields are sorted in order they are displayed on the Patient Log.
Summary Report - All Time Periods and All Locations
Once time period and field are filtered, to view student's individual data, click on the Site Name.
All users can further filter a time period or field within the site location report.
Field Reports:
Once a field is selected, the report will have the Site / Location and Students at Location as the first two columns.
Site/Location: Each site that has students enrolled for the filtered time period.
Students at Location: Based on the time period selected, this column is the total enrollment of students at that location for the filtered time period.
To toggle between the Student Summary and the Question Summary, click the “View Question Summary” or "View Student Summary," next to the report title
This reports breaks down an overview of the number of entries for each field option by the secondary responses of Observation, Active Participation and Virtual.
To change the field option, use the “Field” drop down.
Simple Fields
One set of responses.
All fields can be sorted by clicking on the arrows next to the field name.
Example: Clinical Setting
Complex Fields
Required secondary responses for each primary response.
All fields can be sorted by clicking on the arrows next to the field name.
Example: ACTIVE CLINICAL PROBLEM > Abdominal Pain > Active Participation, Observation or Virtual
Question Summary / Response Counts
The Response Count is cumulative total number entries with the field selected.
If the time period has an "*" at the end of the field, it represents multiple end dates for that particular time period.
Student Percentages
The Student Percentages are the percentage of student per total enrollment for the filtered time period and location who have completed at least 1 patient log entry with the selected field.
Example: At Lahey Clinic, 3 students are enrolled and 67% have a patient log entry for Angina/Acute Coronary Syndrome with Active Participation. So 2 of the students have marked that field at least once.
Admin and Course Director Views:
Admin and Course Directors will have access to All Teaching Sites and also a view of all of the teaching site.
Site Director Views:
Site Directors can see the overall “All Teaching Sites” statistics for the Summary for all time periods or a specific time period. As time periods are select, the "All Teaching Site"
Site Director can only see the cumulative field data and student logs for their specific site.
Student Summary Report:
This report breaks down the time periods and fields by all field options per student.
To see the student log, click on the student name.
To Export, Click Following Buttons:
- Excel - Downloadable CSV file that can be edited.
- PDF - Secure PDF of entire report
- Print - Printer friendly table.
Student Patient Log Approval:
- Click on a students name.
- After reviewing the Patient Log Entries, a site or course director can approve the student's patient log entries at the bottom of the History Page.
- Click the Approve Logs.
- Add any comments to the comment box and click the Submit button.