How do I use the gradebook feature in Padlet?
Padlet's gradebook gives the user the choice to just grade within the padlet tool (and export to .CSV if desired) or to send those grades back to Canvas Gradebook.
NOTE: If you plan to send grades back to Canvas, you must have the Padlet board attached to a Canvas Assignment.
See guide here: How do I use Padlet in Canvas?
Open the Padlet you want to grade and select the (...) on the right hand side

From the menu select Gradebook

Determine Max Score and Grade Calculation

Match your Max score to your Canvas assignment points.
Determine if the student's grade for multiple posts should be the highest score or an average score.
Toggle Sync grades to LMS on

Yellow = On
Grey = Off
Select a student under 'Grades' to see their posts

1. See all of an individual student's posts on the left panel. You will also be able to see the student's comments on their peer's posts.
2. Leave a number grade. This will be out of the max grade previously set.
3. Leave comments or feedback.
4. Click update to ensure student's grade and feedback is saved.
5. Use arrows to go to next student to grade.
After all students have been graded, Click update at the top of the Gradebook

This will send the most current grades back to Canvas.
Confirm grades have been sent by the Synced message next to the students

For help creating a padlet email [email protected]
For padlet ideas check out the Tufts Faculty Padlet Catalogue and add your own too!
NOTE: If you hit a "You Shall Not Pass" page, click the log in button underneath and follow the steps at the beginning of this guide.