Linking your Canvas site to Gradescope
The Gradescope Canvas integration allows you to synchronize your Canvas roster with Gradescope and to send Gradescope scores back to the Canvas Gradebook. The integration also gives students direct-access to Gradescope assignments from Canvas assignments, .
Gradescope is now pre-installed in all Canvas sites. You can add it to the Canvas Course Menu from the settings page.
Add the Gradescope tool to your Canvas Course Menu
Go to "Settings" in your Canvas course

Click on "Navigation"

Find "Gradescope" in the list of hidden tools and drag it into the Course Menu

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Save"
Click on the Gradescope tool in the Canvas course menu to link your course
You will be presented with an option to create a new course in Gradescope or link your Canvas course to an existing Gradescope course. Click "Link Course" when done.
NOTE: If you want to copy a Gradescope course and assignments from a previous semester, you must first got through the course copy process in Gradescope, then link your Canvas course to the copied Gradescope course.

For more information, consult Gradescope's documentation on linking Canvas Courses