Educational Technology User GuidesVerityVerity for InstructorsHow do I modify existing settings for a Verity quiz in Canvas?

How do I modify existing settings for a Verity quiz in Canvas?

If you have already selected, applied, and saved Verity settings for a Canvas quiz you can edit them and re-save as described below —

In Chrome, log into Canvas and go to the course. Click "YuJa Verity" in the white menu on the left

By clicking YuJa Verity you will be "re-authenticated" into the tool in Canvas.

Navigate to the quiz, and click on the title of the Quiz to edit it in Canvas. If it already has Verity settings applied and saved, it will have the phrase "(YuJa Verity for Test Proctoring)" as part of its title.

Click "Edit"

Scroll down to Quiz Restrictions. You will see that "YuJa Verity" is selected (blue checkbox) and that an access code has been created for the quiz.

Click "Configure Settings"

In the Verity Options window, make any desired changes to the settings

For Verity Options recommendations see: Which Verity settings should I use?

You may save these Verity settings as a new profile by clicking "Save as Profile", then giving the profile a name and saving it

IMPORTANT: When you're finished choosing Verity settings, be sure to click "Apply" at the bottom of the Verity Options window. This will apply the settings to the Canvas exam.

A message will indicate your Verity settings have been applied to the exam

IMPORTANT FINAL STEP: Scroll to the bottom of the Quiz details page in Canvas and click "Save"

NOTE: Although the Verity settings have been "applied" you must also click "Save" at the bottom of the Quiz details page in Canvas to save them.

For support using Verity in Canvas for proctoring exams contact [email protected].