CanvasCanvas Scheduler (Sign-up)How do I create an Appointment Group (sign-up)?

How do I create an Appointment Group (sign-up)?

The Scheduler is a Calendar tool that creates appointment groups within a course allowing students to sign-up for a time slot within the appointment group.

Typically, instructors use the Canvas Scheduler to create office hours, schedule TA sessions or assign class presentation times.

Go to your Canvas Calendar tool

Make sure the Calendar for the course is active

Click "+"

This displays the Edit Event dialogue box

Click the Appointment Group tab

This displays the Edit Appointment Group form

Enter a Name for the Appointment group and a Location

Use the Select Calendar dropdown box to select the course (or courses) for this appointment group, then click Done

Note: You can select multiple courses per appointment group

Select a date for the Appointment group

Select a Time Range for the Appointment

If you want additional days in this appointment group, select another date and add another time range

Note: You can add as many deferent days and time ranges as you want to the appointment group


Enter a slot dividing time and Click Go

This will divide each time range into equal time slots of the specified dividing time.

In this example, 3 days (each containing a 2 hour time range) were divide into 60 minute time slots resulting in 6 sign-up appointment time slots

NOTE:  Instructors must set a time slot interval AND click "Go" to divide EACH Time Period  into EQUAL time slots. If the "Go" button is not pressed, the sign-up slots will be the same as the time periods.


Add Options (if desired), then click Publish

This creates the Assignment group

To see how students sign-up for an appointment see:

Student: - How do I sign-up for an appointment group?

To see how instructors can check student sign-up see:

Instructor: - How do I check student sign-ups?


If you are viewing the calendar via Agenda View, all appointments and registrants will be listed

If a student has signed up for an appointment you will receive an email at your Tufts email address (make sure your Notifications (Account / Notifications) are set to receive such email notifications)