Navigating Dental Patient Log - Students
The Patient Log will be available from the CSLE Program - D21 Canvas course (, by clicking the Patient Log Link on the left Course Tool Bar.

The Patient Log Course will also be available on the student Canvas Dashboard or Courses Menu.

From the Patient Log, click to enter desired logs:

Patient Log Page:
The available dates of the patient log and location are displayed prior to entering or editing a log.
Enter Log: Create a new log and select Submit at the end.
History: Click to view or edit previous logs.
Overview of Patient Log:

Confidential ID: Up to 5 characters identifier for the patient to avoid any naming. If the student see the same patient, the confidential identifier should be reused. One Confidential ID per Patient.
Date of Patient Encounter: Date the student interacted with the patient.
Patient’s Race: This field allows for multiple selections by holding “Control.”
Patient’s Age: Select the appropriate age group.

To add multiple instance of the same task, click the + icon. To remove a task field, click the minus button. This works for both new or edited patient logs.
Once a task is selected for a specific field, the associated fields appear, which are usually Tooth Number and Notes:
Tooth Number is a max 2 character field to enter the tooth letter or number.

Editing Log:

Search: Type a word or term to search existing logs. Once the search completes, a count will appear.
Download History (csv): Downloading the log history will give a count of each field task and the count.