Educational Technology User GuidesKaltura MediaSpaceUsing Channels in Kaltura MediaSpaceHow do I add members, contributors, and other managers to a MediaSpace channel?

How do I add members, contributors, and other managers to a MediaSpace channel?

Click on your name and select "My Channels" from the dropdown menu.

My Channels dropdown menu

Select the channel you want to add members to.

Click the "Actions" button in the upper right and select "Edit."

Actions dropdown menu

Click on the "Members" tab.

Members tab

Click the "Add Member" button.

Add member button

In the "Add Members" window, start typing the user's name or UTLN.

Add members form

The person you are trying to add must have logged into Tufts MediaSpace at least once in order for you to be able to find them and add them to the channel. If the user's name does not autocomplete when you start typing it, ask the user if they have previously logged in.

Choose a role for the new member from the "Set permission" menu.

Each role carries a different set of permissions:

  • Member - View channel content only.
  • Contributor - View channel content and add media to the channel.
  • Moderator - View channel content, add media to the channel, deleted media from the channel, and moderate the channel
  • Manager - View channel content, add media to the channel, delete media from the channel, moderate the channel, and manage the channel. Channel managers can also create playlists and access the playlist embed code.

Click the "Add" button.

Add button