How to Share MediaSpace Videos with a link
If you have recorded and uploaded a video directly into My Media in Canvas, or used Kaltura Capture, you can find a link (URL) to the video in MediaSpace and send to whomever you like.
Go to the Tufts MediaSpace website
Visit this link:
Log Into MediaSpace
Click the "NOT LOGGED IN" button in the upper right corner. Login using your Tufts user name and password

Click on your name select "My Media" from the dropdown menu

Choose the video you want to get a link to by clicking on the thumbnail or name

You will arrive at a page showing that video
Click "ACTIONS" and choose "Publish" from the dropdown menu

In the "Publish" dropdown menu choose "Unlisted"

Click the "Share" tab

Copy the URL showing in the "Link to Media Page" field

You can share this link by email, or include it in other content. Anyone who accesses the link will be able to view the video directly in MediaSpace.