How do I create a group assignment in Bongo?

In a Group Assignment in Bongo students can submit video and content as a group. They can do this synchronously or asynchronously —

NOTE: The Bongo groups must be set up in Bongo (Canvas groups cannot be transferred into Bongo)

If needed, create a Bongo "sign-in" assignment

If your students have not yet accessed an Individual Bongo assignment from your Canvas course, they must do so before you give them a group Bongo assignment. The reason for this is that Bongo needs to create a student roster by having students access an individual assignment.

So, if your students have not yet accessed Bongo from the Canvas course, create a "sign-in" assignment, i.e. an individual Bongo assignment which students will click into, and submit a simple reply (such as their name).

See: How do I create an individual assignment in Bongo?

Once that's done, you'll be able to see the complete student roster in Bongo, and set up the group assignment.

Create the Bongo group assignment as follows:

In the Canvas course, create an assignment

  1. Enter a Title for the Assignment.  It must be unique to all your other course assignment titles and cannot be changed once the assignment has been saved.
  2. Add a Point Value for the assignment

Set the Submission Type

  1. Choose External Tool as the Submission Type
  2. Click Find and select Bongo Learn from the external tool list
  3. Check Load This Tool In A New Tab

Complete and save the assignment information in Canvas:

  1. Select Limited or Unlimited from the Allowed Attempts dropdown menu.  Although Canvas lets you set the number of allowed attempts, you will also need to set this in Bongo.
  2. Enter Due, Available from, and Until dates. You will also need to set the identical due date in Bongo.
  3. Click Save. Remember to click Save & Publish once you have set up the assignment in Bongo.

To finish setting up the assignment in Bongo view the assignment in Canvas, and load Bongo by clicking the gray button

Once in the Bongo site, set up the group assignment as follows —

In the "Add Course Content" window choose "Assignment"

In the "Add an Assignment" window choose "Group"

Complete the Bongo assignment's general settings

  1. The assignment name will be carried over from Canvas. Do not change this setting.
  2. Add a due date and time. This is independent from the Canvas due date. If you set a Canvas due date we suggest you ensure that this date is the same.  Students can submit after the Bongo due date.
  3. Select an Evaluation Type from the dropdown menu. See: Scoring in Bongo
  4. Add a video or text instructions.

Choose a Group Options setting

Choose whichever Group Options setting applies best your assignment

Click "Save" to save the group assignment settings

On the Assignment Overview page click "Manage Groups"

Click "Create Group"

If you have opted to add students to groups manually, you can create additional groups and do so now. If you have opted for automatic assignment, you'll be prompted to create a specific number of groups which will then be populated with students.

Add students manually to groups if you chose that option

  1. Click the student's name so that a green circle-check appears
  2. Click "ADD"
  3. When all the students are in groups, click "Save"

REMINDER: All of your students must have already accessed Bongo from your Canvas course (via an individual "sign-in" assignment) before their names can appear on a student list for a group Bongo assignment.

Also notice that the canvas "Test Student" will be in your list of students to assign to groups.

Resource for students

This user guide explains how to complete a group project in Bongo:

See: How to Complete a Group Project