Educational Technology User GuidesBongoCreating Assignments in BongoHow do I create an individual assignment in Bongo?

How do I create an individual assignment in Bongo?

In an Individual Assignment in Bongo, students can record or upload a video of themselves presenting on topic or demonstrating a specific skill. They can upload other media as well. With the screenshare feature, students can also enhance their project with visual aids.

Create an Assignment in Canvas

  1. Enter a Title for the Assignment.  NOTE: the title of the assignment must be unique to all your other course assignment titles and cannot be changed once the assignment has been saved.
  2. Add a Point Value for the assignment

Set the Submission Type for the assignment

  1. Select External Tool for Submission Type.
  2. Click Find and select Bongo Learn from the external tool list.
  3. Check Load This Tool in a New Tab.

Be sure to check the "Load This Tool in a New Tab" checkbox so that the Bongo tool will load properly.

Complete and save the assignment information in Canvas

  1. Select Limited or Unlimited from the Allowed Attempts dropdown menu.  Although Canvas lets you set the number of allowed attempts, you will also need to set this in Bongo.
  2. Enter Due, Available from, and Until dates. You will also need to set the identical due date in Bongo.
  3. Click Save. Remember to click Save & Publish once you have set up the assignment in Bongo.

To finish setting up the assignment in Bongo click the grey "Load Bongo Assignment" button that is now visible on the Assignment page in Canvas

Once in the Bongo site, set up the assignment as follows —

NOTE: If this is the first time you are creating a Bongo assignment in a particular course, you will be prompted with the following New Course options; otherwise, you will skip this step.

If accessing Bongo for the first time in this course, choose "Create a Blank Course"

In the "Add Course Content" window choose "Assignment"

In the "Add and Assignment" window choose "Individual"

Complete the Bongo assignment's general settings

  1. The assignment name will be carried over from Canvas. Do not change this setting.
  2. Add a due date and time. This is independent from the Canvas due date. If you set a Canvas due date we suggest you ensure that this date is the same.  Students can submit after the Bongo due date.
  3. Select an Evaluation Type from the dropdown menu. See: Scoring in Bongo.

Complete the instructions for the Bongo assignment

  1. In the Instructions section, click on the camera icon to add a video prompt (optional).  
  2. Enter text instructions for the assignment (required).

Toggle Auto Analysis Off or On

The Auto Analysis tool is is enabled for each assignment by default.  You can toggle off the feature if not applicable.

NOTE: This feature may not work well for students speaking in accented English. 

See: Bongo Auto Analysis

Customize Peer Review

When you're done setting up the assignment click "Save"

Viewing student progress in the Bongo assignment

Once you've saved the Bongo assignment and students have begun interacting with it, you can view each student's progression through it from their first view through completion, evaluation, and published score.

Editing a saved Bongo assignment

After the Bongo assignment is saved, you may need to edit the settings.

  1. In the page breadcrumb trail click the down triangle next to Overview.
  2. Click Configure.

Editing the Canvas assignment

After the Bongo assignment is saved, you may need to edit the Canvas assignment that contains it.

  1. Go to the course in Canvas, and navigate to the assignment
  2. Once on the Assignment page, click Edit Assignment Settings on the top right of the screen.

Be sure to save your assignment settings once you've edited them.