How do I create transcripts or captions for recordings?
Echo360 automatically generates transcripts of spoken English for any capture published to a course. The captioning is done using automatic speech recognition (ASR) provided by Speechmatics. Transcripts are also automatically applied to most Echo360 videos as captions if they meet a certain confidence threshold. (Videos with no audio, quiet or distorted audio, or multiple speakers talking over one another frequently have inaccurate transcripts which are not automatically applied as captions.)
Once the ASR transcription is complete, you can edit the transcript to improve its accuracy and set it to appear on the video itself as captions.
ASR transcription was enabled on October 9, 2020 and applies to all recordings published on or after that date. In addition, transcripts began automatically appearing as captions in May 2022.
Recordings made before October 9, 2020 do not have transcripts or captions unless they were specifically requested. To request transcription for an earlier recording, contact [email protected] with the name of the course and the title of the recording.
Any recording published before mid-May 2022 does not have captions unless they were specifically requested. Please follow the instructions below to review transcripts for these videos and apply them as captions.
Viewing transcripts
Go to your Echo360 course and click on the class row that contains your recording

Editing automated transcripts
Go to your Echo360 course and click on the Play icon for the video
An menu will appear.
Select "Edit Transcript"

The Transcript Editor appears.

Click the "Edit Transcript" button to change text or speaker cues
For more information about the transcript editor functions, see the Echo360 help files: Editing a Transcript using the Transcript Editor.
Turning a transcript into captions
In the Transcript Editor, click the "Apply to CC" button

The transcript text will appear as captions on the video. Students can view captions by clicking the "CC" button in the player.
Requesting human captioning
If a student in your course has a documented accommodation request, ETS will work with Student Accessibility Services to provide human-generated captions for your videos. Contact [email protected] to request this service.