How can I access analytics for my Echo360 captures?
You can see viewership analytics for any of your Echo360 videos. If a class was live streamed, you can see who viewed the class as it was streaming, who watched a recording, and how many times the recording was viewed. Analytics can also be downloaded as a CSV file.
Click the media icon for the video in the class list page

Select "Details" from the menu

This brings you to the Media Details page for the capture.
Click the Analytics tab below the player

Scroll to the bottom of the screen to the "All Users" table

This table will list all students enrolled in your course. (In order to be considered "enrolled," a student has to go to the Echo360 tool in your course in Canvas at least once.)
The On Demand Views column shows how many times a student has watched the recording of the class. If the class was live streamed, the Live View Count column shows how many times a student accessed the live stream of the class.
To download data, scroll up and look for the "Download Data" button