How do I start a classroom recording?
The Medical School, the Dental School, and Cummings Veterinary School schedule and initiate recordings for most lecture courses.
At all other Tufts schools, we strongly encourage instructors to pre-schedule Echo360 recordings and live streams via the Echo360 Request Form. However, instructors can also start an "ad hoc" Echo360 recording or stream in the classroom.
Click on the Echo360 icon on the desktop of the podium computer
If there is no icon on the desktop, open a browser on the podium computer and look for a bookmark.
If there is no bookmark or shortcut, the web address should be included in the AV system documentation that is posted in the room.
If asked, log in with your Tufts username and password
If you are already logged into Canvas or another Tufts system, you will be passed into Echo without having to log in again.
After logging in, you will see the Universal Capture interface.

Check the sources for the audio and video inputs
Using the dropdown menus, select the inputs you would like to record. You can choose to capture up to two display and video inputs (e.g. a computer screen and the room camera). You can also make an audio-only capture.
Click on the pencil icon

Fill in the capture title and other capture details
In addition to a title, you can choose a class to publish the capture to when it is complete. Select your course from the Publish To... dropdown menu. If you don't see the appropriate class in the menu, or you don't want to publish your recording immediately, select Library.
Fill in the capture duration. The default is 60 minutes. The maximum is eight hours, unless another recording is scheduled within that time.
To live stream your class, check the Live Stream box. (In order to live stream, you must select your course from the Publish To... menu.)
Click Save when you are done.
Press the red Record button
After a five-second countdown, the application will minimize and recording will begin.
If using an attached laptop for delivering slides/content, select that device from the Crestron display
Echo360 will record audio, the classroom camera, and whatever is displayed on the room projector.
To stop or extend the recording, return to the browser window on the podium computer
If you closed the window after starting recording, click on the Echo360 icon on the desktop.
If needed, adjust the length of the recording
Click the Plus (+) and select the number of minutes by which you would like to extend the recording.

Click the white Stop button to end the recording

The recording will be finalized and uploaded to Echo360.