How do I share a recording with a student or instructor?
Videos in a course can be shared with individual users, regardless of whether they are enrolled in your class. Users can find shared videos in their Echo360 Library.
Go to your course in Canvas and click on Echo360 in the navigation menu
Click on the media button for the video you want to share

Select "Details" from the menu

The Capture Details screen appears.

Click the "Share" link

Click on the "Share with" dropdown

Begin typing the name or email address of the person you want to share the video with
As you type, matching names will appear.

Select the user from the list
The video is now shared with the user and will appear in the user's Personal Library.

Users do not receive an email notification when content is shared with them. We recommend notifying the user yourself and sending them these instructions for accessing shared content: How do I view a video that was shared with me?