How to "Check in" to Poll Everywhere Attendance Polls
Your instructor may restrict who can answer their polls based on your location. This is intended to ensure that you are attending class when answering questions during lectures.
The Poll Everywhere Attendance feature is currently being Piloted at Tufts University. If you experience any issues or have feedback please email [email protected].
It is important to note that Poll Everywhere does not store your location. The only data stored is whether you were in the designated area at the time of registration. Neither your instructor nor anyone at Tufts can see your actual location.
Tufts recommends using the Poll Everywhere app on your mobile device when registering for a Poll Everywhere attendance poll. You can download the app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store before class. While the app simplifies the process of logging in and sharing your location, you may use any browser such as Firefox or Chrome.
Open the Poll Everywhere mobile app or go to ""

Log into Poll Everywhere with your Tufts email, username, and password

If prompted enter your Tufts email, click "next", and then click "login with Tufts University." You will then need to enter your Tufts username and password and then use Duo to login.
Need more instructions on how to log in? See How to log into Poll Everywhere.
Click "Check in"

'Checking in' will allow you to answer the questions and be counted as attending the session.
You may notice that you can "Continue without checking in." If you click this you will be able to answer the questions in this Poll Everywhere session, but you will not be marked present for this session's activities.
Tufts recommends that you ONLY use "Continue without checking-in" if you are experiencing technical difficulties. If you do experience a problem please notify your instructor in person immediately after class so you can be marked as present AND contact [email protected] to report your issues.
Click "Allow" to enable Poll Everywhere to "Know your location"

NOTE: Poll Everywhere does NOT store your location.
Verify you are 'Checked In'