How to Set up Attendance
The attendance feature records whether students are in designated location while they participate in your polls. You must set up the locations ahead of time, but you do not need to manage the location during your lectures. When students join your polls they will be asked to check in with their location, and your grade book reports will indicate whether students were checked-in.
Learn more about the gradebook report here: How to Sync Grades, Participation or Attendance with Canvas
The Poll Everywhere Attendance feature is currently being piloted at Tufts University. Tufts is in the process of testing it for usability and accuracy, use it at your discretion.
If you experience any issues or have feedback please email [email protected].
NOTE: Poll Everywhere does not store the student's location. Poll Everywhere checks to see if the student is in the area that you designated before allowing them to answer the questions. No one at Tufts can access the student's actual location.
Students can participate in polls without confirming their location. This feature is designed to allow students to participate even if they are having technical difficulties. If they are present but having difficulties please have them email [email protected] and we can help them resolve their technical issues.
You can send students this link to help them check in: How to "Check in" to Poll Everywhere Attendance Polls Tufts recommends that students use the Poll Everywhere mobile app when answering attendance polls, but they can use any browser on their phone or laptop.
Click on Attendance Management

Enable Geolocation

The attendance management feature is an all-or-nothing global setting. While it is active, all your polls will ask the students to check in before answering the questions. The feature can be toggled on or off at any time. You must go to to enable/disable attendance management.
Add Location

Choose Location

Review Your Locations

NOTE: ALL of your locations are active at the same time. If you teach in different classrooms we recommend you create one location for each classroom and leave them active all the time. Students can not see your locations, therefore it will be very difficult for them to check in while at an alternate location.
When Poll Everywhere Attendance is active you will not need to do anything additional when you present from PowerPoint. The presenter app will not indicate that Attendance is active, however. Log in to to confirm it is enabled if you're not sure.