How to Synchronize Grades or Participation with Canvas (New Jan 25)
Poll Everywhere can send grades to your Canvas course. You can choose between the following scoring options:
Participation: Percentage of activities answered by the participant.
Correctness: Percentage of total correct responses across selected activities. Responses to ungraded questions (such as word clouds) are not counted. If multiple responses per question are allowed, any correct response marks the entire response correct.
Attendance: The attendance grade is no longer available as a stand-alone grade, but you can use the "Must be checked in" setting to get the same information. Read more about how to set up attendance polls here.
Go to "Settings" for your Canvas course

To enable Poll Everywhere's syncing ability, add it to the left-hand navigation of Canvas. Go to "Settings" in your Canvas course to start the configuration process.
Click on the "Navigation" tab

Enable "Poll Everywhere" and click "Save"

Find Poll Everywhere in the list of unused applications. Click on the three dots next to Poll Everywhere and select "Enable".
Click on "Poll Everywhere" in the Canvas course menu

Click "Continue to"

Click "Sync Roster" and then click "Add New Assignment"

The Sync Roster button will pull your Canvas roster into Poll Everywhere. You must do this before syncing grades, and after every Canvas enrollment change. It is a best practice to always sync your roster before you sync grades.
The Add New Assignment button starts the process of creating a new gradebook column in Canvas. This can be done before or after presenting your Poll Everywhere activities to students.
Choose Participation OR Correctness

If you choose both Participation AND correctness Poll Everywhere will create two gradebook columns in Canvas.
The 'Assignment Name' will be the name of the column that is created in the Canvas Gradebook.
Participation Settings

Correctness settings

Ignore Activities with Zero responses

Clicking 'ignore actives with zero responses' will ensure that any questions that you did not present, but are in the report, will not count negatively towards the students grades.
Click "+ Activity" to add activities/polls to the

Choose the polls/activities to send to the Canvas grade book

Click "View Grades"

Verify that "Participation Points" OR "% Correct" is what you want
Click "Sync Grades"

Post Grades
Return to your Canvas course and open the "Grades" tool to view the imported data.
If the new column does not appear immediately, refresh the grade book page.

If you are happy with the grades, click on the three dots next to the grade column and select "Post grades." Choose whether to post for everyone or just those with a grade.