Educational Technology User GuidesPoll EverywhereInstructorsHow to Sync Grades, Participation or Attendance with Canvas

How to Sync Grades, Participation or Attendance with Canvas

Poll Everywhere can create grade columns in your Canvas grade book. You can choose between the following scores:

Grade: Percentage of total correct responses across all activities. Responses to ungraded questions (such as word clouds) are not counted. If multiple responses per question are allowed, any correct response marks the entire response correct.

Participation: Percentage of activities answered by the participant.

Attendance: Percentage of activities answered while the participant was checked in to the classroom location.  Read more about setting up attendance polls here.

Access Settings

To enable Poll Everywhere's syncing ability, add it to the left-hand navigation of Canvas. Go to the settings in Canvas to start the configuration process.

Open the Navigation Tab

Enable Poll Everywhere and Save

Find Poll Everywhere in the list of unused applications. Click on the three dots next to Poll Everywhere and select 'Enable'.

Access Poll Everywhere from Navigation

Click 'Continue to Canvas'

Sync the Roster then Add New Gradebook

Select a Gradebook Report

Choose the Polls or Folders you want to Sync and "Create Report"

Check the Summary Columns

Review the three summary columns: grade, participation, and attendance percentages. These percentages will be sent back to Canvas.

Rename Report

Rename the report to something appropriate (e.g., 'Attendance,' 'Participation,' or 'Poll Everywhere Grades') before exporting to Canvas.

Click Done

Open Participants Tab

Choose 'Group by' and select the course you just synced from Canvas to organize participants accordingly

Select Run

Decide whether to use the current run (for currently visible answers) or all runs (to include every time a student in the class answered the questions in the report). 

Click 'Export'  

Select the type of data (grade, participation, or attendance) to create the corresponding grade book column in Canvas.

Open Grades in Canvas

Return to your Canvas course and open the 'Grades' section to view the imported data.

If the new column does not appear immediately, refresh the grade book page.

Post Grades

If you are happy with the grades, click on the three dots next to the grade column and select 'Post Grades.' Choose whether to post for everyone or just those with a grade.