Installation instructions (Windows)
Some users might need administrative privileges to install software on a Tufts-owned machine. If you cannot install the software, please contact the TTS Help Desk (617-627-3376) for assistance. You are also welcome to install the software on your personal machine, which shouldn't require any special installation permissions.
Download the Universal Capture: Personal software
Go to and log in. (How do I access Echo360?) Under Universal Capture: Personal, select Windows Download.
If you see an error when you try to access the Downloads page, you may not have an instructor role in Echo360. See How do I get instructor access to my courses in Echo360? or email [email protected] and request an instructor role.

Run the installer
If you are asked what you want to do with the .msi installer file, click "Run."

Otherwise. find the .msi file (most likely in your Downloads folder or on the Desktop) and double-click to install.
Continue with the setup wizard
After the setup wizard is complete and the application is installed, an Echo360 Universal Capture icon will be visible on your desktop.