What does 'Threshold Not Met' mean?

If the minimum number of student responses to a course evaluation has not been met, the report will not be generated, and the respondent threshold status will indicate 'Threshold Not Met'. This rule was put in place to protect student confidentiality.


AS&E - 4 students

GSBS - 3 students

If the number of students who submitted a course evaluation is less than the threshold, the report will not be generated for that course. The download icons will be inactive, and the report will be marked by a yellow 'Threshold Not Met' flag:

To help avoid this situation, instructors are invited to monitor their response rates and encourage student participation. Having this response rate information ahead of time gives you the opportunity to reach out to your students to nudge them to submit their evaluation forms, so that you will receive enough responses to be able to view their feedback when the reports are generated.

Small classes are at higher risk of missing the threshold based on sheer numbers. Students are invited and reminded (repeatedly) by the Blue system, but they tend to respond better to a nudge from their instructor.