Which instructors are evaluated?

In order for your course to be evaluated with you as instructor, you must be included in the class list in SIS as an official "Instructor of Record".

Guest Instructors and TAs are not evaluated and do not have access to course evaluations.

The Blue course evaluation system is fed by SIS. If you receive an invitation to personalize questions or monitor response rates for a course that you are not  teaching, or if you fail to receive an invitation to personalize questions or monitor response rates for a course that you are teaching, please contact the registrar to have your data corrected in that system. Once the update is made in SIS, the data will flow overnight to Blue.

If there are multiple instructors for a course, the student may respond to instructor questions for each instructor that they interacted with, and choose 'no answer' for those that they did not interact with. Each instructor will receive a report with all of the course questions responses, and only their own instructor questions responses. Instructors will not see other instructor names or responses. Students will see all instructor names.