Can I send my students a link to the course evaluation form?
Instructors can share a QR code with students that will link to a specific course evaluation form.
How do I view response rates and share QR codes during the evaluation period in Blue?
There are several other ways that instructors can direct the students to the Blue course evaluation system, where the students will find all of their forms. Instructors may copy the text below and share with their students.
Dear Students,
It is course evaluation season. You may access your forms in any of the following ways:
1 - You will receive an email at your school email address from Tufts Course Evaluations ([email protected]) inviting you to submit the evaluation forms. You can click the link in the email to access your forms. If you do not receive the email, please check your spam folder.
2 - You can access the Blue course evaluation system via the 'Course Evaluations' link in the left side navigation of any Canvas course.
3 - For AS&E (only), there will be a Canvas announcement with a link to Blue.