How do I access course evaluation reports in Blue?
You will receive an email at your school email address from Tufts Course Evaluations inviting you to view the evaluation report. You can click the link in the email to access your reports. If you do not receive the email, please check your spam folder. This email link will take you to that report ONLY. To view all reports across the terms that you have access to, you can also access Blue via the 'Course Evaluations' link in the left side navigation of any Canvas course. Alternatively, you can access your reports via your Blue home page.
If you need assistance with changes to Blue report distribution, please reach out to [email protected].
Click the link in the email to log into Blue with your Tufts University username and password. During login, users at health sciences schools may be required to select a data source. Be sure to select the correct one (referenced in your email invitation).
Once logged in, you can view the report list. Current reports are on the 'current' tab. Reports from a previous term (less than five years old) live on the 'archived' tab. Reports from a previous term (more than five years old) are in an expired state - please reach out for assistance in downloading these reports. Click on the desired report title to open for viewing.
In the "Summary of Results" section of the Blue course evaluation report, mean and standard deviation data is provided for that particular course, as well as for all courses for the term in the subject or school, for comparison. For some schools, the comparison is provided for courses within a certain subject, in a single term, session, or mode (such as online vs on-campus). For other schools, the comparison is provided across all subjects in the entire school for that term.
In the "Detailed Results of Course Evaluation", only see results for that course are displayed, complete with graphs and statistics.
Some Tufts' schools require a student response threshold. For those schools, if the minimum number of responses has not been met, the report will not be generated and the threshold status will indicate 'not met'. This protects student confidentiality.
In BioMedical Sciences, if fewer than 3 students complete a course evaluation, or in AS&E if fewer than 4 students complete to a course evaluation, the report will not be published for that course.