How can I set up and invite my students to a Zoom meeting from Canvas?
REMEMBER: Never share a Zoom meeting link in a public setting, such as on social media or online bulletin boards, in blog posts or news articles, or on listservs or email lists with wide distribution.
You can make the link to your Zoom meeting available to your students in Canvas:
Canvas Users - Option 1: Add a link in Canvas
You can use Zoom to set up a meeting for your class, then share a link to that meeting with students. Visit this guide to learn how to create the meeting link.
See: How do I set up a meeting directly in Zoom?
Once you have the meeting link, you can paste the link into any text box, such as an announcement, assignment, discussion, etc.

Canvas Users - Option 2: Use the Canvas-Zoom integration
Canvas has a Zoom integration which allows instructors to schedule and manage online meetings with their students from inside Canvas on a Canvas-Zoom dashboard. Once you've scheduled the meeting, students can join it directly from the Canvas-Zoom interface.
NOTE: For any Zoom meeting that you create or delete in Zoom-Canvas, Canvas will send a notification to everyone in the class via the Canvas Inbox tool. In addition Canvas will post a notification that a Canvas calendar event has been created.
To continue your introduction to Zoom, visit Tufts Zoom User Guide
To learn more about using Zoom for teaching, continue browsing this guide
For help using Zoom, contact Tufts Educational Technology Services: [email protected]