Educational Technology User GuidesZoomHelping Students Use ZoomQuick Intro to Canvas Zoom for Tufts Students

Quick Intro to Canvas Zoom for Tufts Students

Tufts students must follow these step-by-step instructions to log into Zoom with single-sign on (SSO) and your Tufts credentials: How do I log into Zoom?

Prior to viewing this Quick Intro to Canvas Zoom, please read Quick Intro to Zoom for Tufts Students.

The Canvas Zoom Integration allows students to join their class meetings as well as view meeting recordings from within Canvas.


Joining a meeting from within the Canvas course

Click on the Zoom link in your Canvas course navigation.

The list of scheduled upcoming meetings will display, with a Join link and Invitation link for each.

Click on the Join link to join the meeting. The Join link includes the meeting passcode, if any.

Click on the Invitation link to view the meeting invite. The invitation will display the meeting passcode, if any.



Joining a meeting from within the Canvas calendar

Click on the Calendar icon in your Canvas system navigation.

The calendar of scheduled upcoming meetings will display.

Click on the appropriate scheduled meeting to open the event.

Click on the 'Click here to join Zoom Meeting' link to join the meeting.  The Join link includes the meeting passcode, if any.



Viewing a meeting recording from within the Canvas course

Click on the Cloud Recordings tab. The list of recordings that your instructor has published will display.

Click on the recording title to display the recording files.

Click on the desired recording file to play the recording.