How do I share Zoom recordings from my Echo360 library?
If you are an Instructor or Teaching Assistant using Zoom for teaching, you can can opt to automatically copy all Zoom cloud recordings to your Echo360 library. (See How do I copy recordings of Zoom meetings to my Echo360 library?) To allow students to access a Zoom recording in your Echo360 library, you must publish the recording to your Canvas course site.
Click on "Echo360" in the menu of your Canvas course site.
Click on the Library tab
Find your video in the list
Use the Search box to search for the recording by title. To see all Zoom recordings in your library, select Filters and choose "Meeting Recordings" from the Source menu.
Click on the name of the video to open the preview window
Click on the "Add to a Class" button below the video
Choose your course, term, and section from the dropdown menus
Create a new class
A class is a container that holds recordings. Select "New class" and fill in a name (typically the same as the name of your video). All other details are optional.
You must create a new class (or select an existing one) in order to share a capture with a course. If the Share button is deactivated, make sure you have created or selected a class.