Educational Technology User GuidesZoomZoom Security for Online TeachingHow do I manage content sharing for all participants in my Zoom class meeting?

How do I manage content sharing for all participants in my Zoom class meeting?

For security purposes, the default setting for Tufts Zoom meetings is that only the Host can share content during the meeting.

Content-sharing by other participants can be managed within an ongoing meeting, or before the meeting begins, as follow —

Method 1 - Manage content-sharing within an active Zoom meeting

The Host can click the "Security" icon in the Zoom toolbar and, in the "Allow participants to" menu, choose "Share Screen"

Choosing this setting will allow all participants to share content for the remainder of that meeting.

Method 1 - Manage content-sharing before the Zoom meeting is launched

Log into and go to "Settings"

Log into with your Zoom credentials and SSO. Once logged in go to "Settings"

In the Settings menu click on "In Meeting (Basic)" and scroll down to "Screen sharing"

To allow content-sharing for all participants in all your Zoom meetings, select "All Participants" under "Who can share?", and click "Save"

To allow any participant to start sharing when someone else is sharing, make that selection and click "Save"

To prevent content-sharing by any participant in all your Zoom meetings, toggle "Screen sharing" to "Off" (gray)