Educational Technology User GuidesZoomUsing Zoom from inside CanvasTeam Teaching with the Zoom Canvas Integration

Team Teaching with the Zoom Canvas Integration

Teachers, TAs and Zoom Assistants

All Teachers and TAs have the same privileges in the Canvas zoom integration.

Two new roles, "Zoom Assistant – not enrolled student" and "Zoom Assistant – enrolled student" have been created so students can have elevated privileges in Zoom but have student-level privileges in Canvas.

Anyone listed as a Teacher, TA or Zoom Assistant in the course can:

  • Schedule meetings
  • Publish recordings of any meetings that were scheduled in the course
  • Run reports on any meetings that were scheduled in the course


Canvas Role Name

Privileges in Canvas

Who should have this role

Zoom Assistant – enrolled student

Similar to Students

Students who are taking the course, but who also have responsibilities in helping schedule, run, or publish zoom recordings. 

Zoom Assistant – not enrolled student

Similar to Observer

Students who are NOT taking the course and who can not be a TA, but who also have responsibilities in helping schedule, run or publish zoom recordings


Teacher role

Instructors should be given the Teacher role in Canvas. Teachers have the highest level of privileges in the course.


Teaching Assistants 

TAs are typically graduate students that have grading and/or content editing responsibilities in the course. TAs can see and change grades in the course. TAs can not submit assignments or take quizzes. 


The Zoom user who schedules the meeting in Canvas is the 'owner' of that meeting. This means that only the scheduler has edit rights automatically and they are the only user who will see the meeting in

It is important to note:

  • No Zoom user can have more than one meeting that they scheduled running at the same time. This is true even if one meeting was scheduled in Canvas and the other in  It is possible to attend a meeting that you did not schedule while a meeting you did schedule is in progress. 
  • The other Teachers and TAs do not have host privileges in meetings unless the scheduler sets them as alternative hosts. Zoom users listed as alternative hosts can start meetings and edit settings in the Cavans Zoom integration.
  • If 'Enable Join Before Host' is not checked, and no alternative host is listed, only the scheduler can start the meeting.


If you would like your meetings to allow fellow Teachers, TAs, and Zoom Assistants  to start and run ALL meetings in the course you should set the following in each meeting settings: 

  • Enable Join Before Host
  • Set any other instructors, TAs, or Zoom assistants as alt-hosts when scheduling the meetings. (Find this under Advanced options on the Canvas Zoom integration page.