Educational Technology User GuidesZoomRecording with ZoomHow can I access and share transcripts of Zoom recordings?

How can I access and share transcripts of Zoom recordings?

When you record a Zoom meeting to the cloud,  Zoom automatically generates a transcript of the spoken text, which can be accessed along with the recording of the video.

The instructions below show you how to access these —

Visit your Tufts Zoom account to view a list of your recordings

Go to login with SSO, click "Recordings", and then "Cloud Recordings"

Click the title of a video to see information about the recorded video, audio, and transcription

Click "Audio Transcript" to see the transcript that was automatically generated for the meeting

NOTE: The video recording will be generated by Zoom and posted to your recordings area before the audio transcript is complete. It may take hours or days for the transcription process to finish. During this time you can view the recording, but the transcript will display a "Transcribing" status until it is complete. Once the transcription is ready, the status will update.

To view the video and transcription side-by-side, click the video recording thumbnail

The transcript will be shown on the right, and will advance as the video plays

To correct the transcript, hover over a section, click the pencil icon, make edits, then click the blue "check" to save them

To see the transcript as closed captions superimposed over the video, click "CC" in the video toolbar and choose "Show Subtitle"

To download the transcript only, return to the information page for this recording by clicking the back arrow on your browser. Then hover over "Audio transcript" and click the "download" icon (down arrow)

To download all three files — video, audio, and transcript — click the "Download (3 files)" button

These three files will be in the mp4, m4a, and vtt formats respectively

For more in-depth information about automatic transcription of Zoom cloud recordings, see: Automatically Transcribe Cloud Recordings

To display a live automatically-generated transcription during the Zoom meeting, or to have a participant manually close-caption the meeting in real-time, see: How do I add live transcription or manual closed-captioning to a Zoom meeting?