Educational Technology User Guides
Welcome to the Tufts Educational Technology Services User Guides. These guides offer user-friendly instructions in a series of text and images. Browse a manual below or use the search box to find a specific topic. Contact [email protected] with questions.
Setting Up and Sharing a Meeting in Zoom 7
- How do I schedule a meeting directly in Zoom?
- How can I invite my students to a Zoom meeting?
- How can I set up and invite my students to a Zoom meeting from Canvas?
- How do I find my Zoom Personal Room Link?
- Why am I getting emails that say “Your Meeting Attendees are Waiting”?
- How can I manage Office Hours in Canvas and Zoom?
- How can I prevent Zoom-bombing?
Teaching with Zoom 7
- How can I mute and un-mute students in Zoom?
- How do I rename myself when in a Zoom meeting?
- How can I take notes when using Zoom?
- How do I engage in conversations and active learning with my students?
- What should I know about Zoom's limitations?
- Using Poll Everywhere with Zoom
- Using Echo360 with Zoom
Using Zoom from inside Canvas 8
- Canvas-Zoom Video Tutorial for Instructors - (9:33)
- Recommended configuration set-up for instructors using Canvas-Zoom
- How do I schedule a Zoom meeting in Canvas?
- How do I publish a Zoom recording in Canvas?
- Team Teaching with the Zoom Canvas Integration
- How do I change the date/time of a single Zoom class in a recurring series?
- How do I start a Zoom class meeting as an Alternate Host?
- How do I import a Zoom meeting to Canvas?
Zoom Security for Online Teaching 14
- How can I prevent Zoom-bombing?
- How do I update my Zoom app?
- How can I safely share links to my Zoom class meetings?
- How do I use a passcode for my Zoom class meeting?
- How do I enable the waiting room in Zoom?
- How do I use Zoom security controls when teaching?
- What Zoom settings should I set ahead of time to secure my Zoom classroom?
- How do I manage content sharing for all participants in my Zoom class meeting?
- How do I manage annotation for all participants in my Zoom class meeting?
- How do I lock my Zoom meeting room after all participants have arrived?
- How do I pause the entire Zoom meeting if there's a problem?
- How do I eject a person from my Zoom class meeting?
- How can I get more training on using Zoom securely?
- How do I request Tufts A/V assistance for my teaching/learning-related Zoom webinar or event?
Recording with Zoom 10
- How can I record with Zoom?
- What should I be aware of when recording a class with Zoom?
- How can I add a Zoom recording to Canvas as an instructor?
- How can I access and share transcripts of Zoom recordings?
- How do I trim the start or end of my Zoom cloud recording?
- How do I share a Zoom Cloud video recording with students?
- How do I download a Zoom recording?
- How do I copy Zoom recordings to my Echo360 library?
- How do I share Zoom recordings from my Echo360 library?
- How can I migrate teaching-related Zoom recordings?
Useful Zoom Features for Teaching 8
- How do I use break-out rooms in Zoom?
- How can I poll my students with Zoom?
- How do I share files in a Zoom meeting?
- How can I keep up-to-date with Zoom's new features?
- How do I display only my panelists’ video?
- How to turn Zoom attendance reports into an course attendance report
- How do I generate a Zoom attendance sheet in Canvas?
- How do I add live transcription or manual closed-captioning to a Zoom meeting?
Using Breakout Rooms 9
- How do I use Breakout Rooms for teaching in Zoom?
- How do I move in and out of breakout rooms when hosting in Zoom?
- How do I create pre-assigned breakout rooms?
- Creating a Pre-assigned breakout rooms (Tufts and Non-Tufts participants)
- How do I create the breakout room .CSV file?
- For Hosts: How do I manage pre-assigned breakout rooms during my Zoom meeting?
- For Hosts: How do I manage self-assigned breakout rooms during my Zoom meeting?
- For Participants: How do I access a Zoom meeting with pre-assigned breakout rooms?
- For Participants: How do I access self-assigned breakout rooms in Zoom?
Zoom for Multi-Modality and Hybrid Teaching 1
Zoom Whiteboards 1
Other Resources
- AI and Teaching
- Blue Course Evaluations
- Bongo
- Canvas
- Dental Externships
- EasyGenerator
- Echo360
- Gradescope
- Health Science Clinical Tools
- Hypothesis
- Kaltura Capture
- Kaltura MediaSpace
- Kaltura Video Editor
- Language Placement Testing
- Padlet
- Perusall
- Poll Everywhere
- Qualtrics
- Respondus LockDown Browser
- Rumi Essay
- Visual Classrooms
- Zoom
- Other Tools and Guides
- Tufts Virtual Microscope