Academic Affairs: Add, Drop and Modify a Student Schedule
When a student's schedule changes there are a few questions that need to be asked:
- What is the rotation current enrollment count for specific start dates?
- Is this a single drop of a rotation in the student's schedule?
- Is this adding a rotation course in an open slot in the schedule?
- Is this rotation being moved to a new start date where a student has an open slot?
- Is there a direct exchange between two rotations?
Finding a Course Enrollment Enrollment Count:
Click Manage and #11 Reports to access Reports Tool.
Course Enrollment for a single course:
- Enter Course Menu
- Select Year, Department and Course
- Course Enrollment Information
Find Course Enrollment Information for All Courses:

- Select Year.
- Report: Enrollment Totals by Rotation for all Courses
- For Clinical: Student Level: Professional 4
- Department: Vet - Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine
- DVM: Can be blank or Fourth Year
- Select the reports option - If selecting "View Report" exporting to CSV or XLSX is possible from the report page.
Filtering Options:
Group By: Select group that the define the format of the report.
Filter on column: Allows filtering to remove specific criteria.
All columns are sortable:
How to drop a student from a rotation:
- After list is refreshed, find student name and under "Actions" to the right.
- Select Drop
- Click OK to the prompt to drop the student.