How do I approve or drop students from the OASIS Elective Wait List?
View the Video Instructions: How to Add or Remove Students from an Elective Course Waitlist in OASIS
Log into OASIS:
Click on Course Roster from the My courses Menu or the Courses from the top tool bar
Faculty and rotation staff will have the core and on-campus elective rotations that they are assigned to on all of their course lists.
NOTE: If there is a core or on-campus elective that you should have access to, please contact [email protected] or the veterinary office of academic affairs.
TIP: During the March to May months, be aware of what academic year, to switch to the newly started academic year, click on "Reselect Year."

Course Roster:
Under the Action Column, On Campus Elective Faculty and Staff can:
- Drop students - If a student contacts directly within the restricted time prior to the start of the on campus elective for enrolled or waiting list students
- Approve - Enroll a student into the on campus elective.
- Lock - The ability to lock the student into the rotation, so the student, faculty or staff do not have the ability to drop the student from the rotation. (This should rarely be used.)
The first column has the chronological order the student was enrolled into the course or added to the wait list. In order to provide a first come first service process, the higher number student with the oldest time stamp should be approved from the wait list to the course.
Under Enrolled, the student's time stamp of when they were added the the wait list can be seen.
If a student is on a wait list, they will remain on the wait list until they are approved or dropped. This includes concluded and active on campus electives. The faculty, staff or student can drop a student from a wait list.
Adding Course to Student Schedule:
If the student has an open spot for the on campus elective, the course is added to the student's schedule.

Student Conflict in Scheduling:
If faculty or staff try to approve a student on a wait list with a conflict, such as a student's schedule is filled during the wait list reservation week, there will be an error message.
Click the "Back" Button within the Browser. OASIS does not have a button to bring the user back to the Course Roster.

Dropping Student from Wait List
Once a student is dropped from a wait list reservation, click on "Return to the roster."

Email Added to Wait List: "OASIS NOTIFY: Position open in 2022-2023 VET-6135: Urgent Care Services

Email Approve Wait List: OASIS NOTIFY: STUDENT NAME added VET-5160 (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM): Laboratory Animal Medicine-Research Facility)
Email Drop Wait List: OASIS NOTIFY: FACULTY NAME has dropped VET-6135 from the waiting list entry.