Student: How to enroll in an OASIS Elective: Add, Drop, and Wait List
Log into OASIS
Review the core rotation schedule to determine available E/V weeks that can be filled with an on-campus Elective.
To begin a search for available on-campus elective offerings, click Add Course on the top tool bar.
Search and Select an On Campus Elective
Under Optional Search Criteria, select any of the available fields to refine your search or leave blank to broaden your results, and click "Search" to view all available on-campus electives for the current rotation schedule block.
If there is a desired elective week available, use the radio button in the Add column in the row of the elective week, then click Add Selected Course to complete your enrollment.
When a student attempts to enroll in an elective and receives a conflict message:
This means the student is currently enrolled in a core rotation* or another elective scheduled for the same dates. *Core rotations cannot be dropped and are locked in OASIS.

How to Drop Enrollment from an On-Campus Elective
A student can drop enrollment from an on-campus elective if it is 21 days or more prior to the elective start date. To drop enrollment from the elective, use the drop link located in the Actions column. A confirmation email will be sent from OASIS.
If it is less than 21 days prior to the elective start date, students cannot drop enrollment from an on-campus elective. Drop requests at this point must be sent to the Clinical Year Administrator, Kirsten Bowen. Based on a collaborative decision by Kirsten and the Rotation Director, you will either be dropped or remain enrolled.
Wait List Options
Students can select a wait list option* if the on-campus elective is full or is within 21 days of the elective start date.
A student can be on a wait list for multiple on-campus electives scheduled for the same week. Students will be added to the elective on a first come first serve basis from the wait list. If a student is accepted for enrollment from the wait list, it will appear on the student's rotation schedule and receive a confirmation notification.
*Students can have up to 5 wait list requests at one time.
If a student goes on a wait list, they are not enrolled in the course until that wait list request is approved for enrollment by the on-campus elective faculty or staff.
Please do not contact on-campus electives faculty or staff about the status of the wait list.
An email will be sent from OASIS if a student is approved or removed from an on-campus elective wait list.
NOTE: Do not expect to be added to a course from a wait list reservation. Dates and Maximum Enrollment are fixed and accurate.
How to Add to a Wait List When It's GREATER than 21 Days Prior to the Elective Start Date
If an elective rotation has no open spots and it's greater than 21 days prior to the start date, students can add themselves to a wait list.
Start with clicking Add Selected Course. A message "This course is full." will appear, click the Join waiting list to be added to the wait list for that week's elective.

How to Add to a Wait List When It's LESS than 21 Days Prior to the Elective Start Date
At this point, students are no longer able to enroll in an elective, the only option you’ll have is to add yourself to the elective wait list.
Managing Wait List Requests
A student can drop from a wait list request at any time. To drop your wait list request, locate the elective you wish to drop from within your rotation schedule. Use the Drop link to complete this action. A confirmation email will be sent from OASIS.