Faculty/Staff: Student Performance Evaluations
OASIS' Student Performance Evaluations will be the assessment format that clinical faculty will use to evaluate students within a rotation for each specific time period. They will follow the criteria and grading scale defined by the curriculum committee.
The Student Performance Evaluations are accessible from the OASIS Home page.
- My Evaluation Page
- Student Performance Evaluation
- Accessing the Summary Student Performance Evaluation for a Rotation
- Cumulative Summary Student Performance Evaluation
- Summary Responses, Criteria and Final Grading
My Evaluation Page: Access to Student Performance Evaluations that need to be completed.
After logging into OASIS, on the right column on the My Home Page, select My Evaluations Area.

Enter Production OASIS: https://tufts-vetmed.oasisscheduling.com/
- Requires Tufts University username and password using the Shib Single Sign On.
For log in issues or questions, please contact: [email protected]

- Rotation Start Date: All student performance evaluations will be sorted by rotation and start date.
- Student Name
- Cannot Evaluate: Faculty have the ability to inactivate a student performance evaluation for a specific student.
- Evaluation Form: Provides the Rotation name.
- Eval Per.: Provides the start and end date of the rotation.
- Status: Page defaults to a display of all active student performance evaluations.
- Complete BEFORE: Evaluation defined due date.
Student Performance Evaluation Header Information:
Click on a specific Student Performance Evaluation Form link, the beginning of the evaluation provides the following information:
- School Year and Course Name
- Start and End Dates
- Complete Course Information
- Location
- Total Weeks of the Rotation.
- Evaluator name: Faculty member
- Student's name and email.
Instructions and evaluation information can be provided under near the header information. This could include links to competencies, and the complete list of course competencies and objectives for each rotation.

Evaluation Criteria and Descriptions:
Each criteria scale can follow the Fail, Not Practice Ready, Pass and Honors range as defined by the curriculum committee. It can also have a numerical value behind each scale item. These are not displayed in the evaluation form for faculty. There are also scale range descriptions that can be defined. For each criteria select, except NOT APPLICABLE, requires a comment.

Cumulative Grading Questions: At the end of the individual Student Performance Evaluations, the final two questions to provide a benchmark final grade based on the each performance criteria.
- Rubric Scale Grade: This will automatically populate the grade based on the clinical rubric provided.
- Cumulative Grade: This follows the 3.0 scale for a final grade, with the associated scale.

Accessing the Summary Student Performance Evaluation for a Rotation:
To access the Student Performance Summary Evaluation, which is the evaluation that determines what the student sees, click on Course and Evaluations, then select "Search and Edit Evaluations"
Once all Individual Student Performance Evaluations are complete for a specific student, a Summary Evaluation will be available for users defined as Summary Evaluators on their My Evaluations Page.
Summary Student Performance Evaluations can also be accessible through the instructions below:

Select the following:
- Locations: All Locations
- Evaluation Types: Student Performance
- Start Dates: All Start Dates (If a specific date is known, select that date)
- Status: All
- Base Evaluation: All
Click Search.
One thing to note: To grade before all individual Student Performance Evaluations are complete, click the "edit" button. If the Summary Evaluation is purple, not all individual Student Performance Evaluations are complete. The evaluations will still be available to the individuals and allow the individual to complete their evaluations, but those responses will not be available to the student view after the summary evaluations is complete.
To avoid Student Performance Evaluations from being completed after a Summary Student Performance Evaluations is completed and released to the student, either delete or inactivate all individuals who have not completed the Student Performance Evaluation.
If the status of the individual Student Performance Evaluation is "Not Started," click the delete button to remove the association.
If the status of the individual Student Performance Evaluation is "Started," click the "Inact" link for each incomplete Student Performance Evaluation in order for the individual Student Performance Evaluation to be removed from the individual's own My Evaluations page.
To see who has completed the individual Student Performance Evaluations, finalize the Student Performance Evaluation and provide a grade:
- Blue Box "Edit:" Click edit to see or update the individual Student Performance Evaluation.
- Red Box "Edit:" This brings you to the summary evaluation to complete the final Student Performance Evaluation and Final Grading. If the row is purple, then the student performance evaluations are not all complete.
- Black Box "Inact:" To remove the individual Student Performance Evaluation from Active status. This will remove the Student Performance Evaluation from the user's My Evaluation page, as mentioned above.
- Legend with colors for status of Student Performance Evaluations.
- Text of status of Student Performance Evaluations.
When a Student Performance Evaluation is complete, it is submitted.
Cumulative Student Performance Summary Evaluation:
Student Performance Summary Evaluations provide the ability for a defined list of faculty or staff to see a summary of all student performance evaluations for a single student within a single rotation and fill out a version of of the Student Performance Evaluation that accounts for input and feedback on the student.
The faculty providing the summary evaluation can choose to keep the automated recommended best fit grade created by the cumulative grading of all student performance evaluations for a student, or they can override the recommended grade and select another grade within the range.

Summary Responses, Criteria and Grading:
Below is an example of a single criteria. Each faculty-provided response is available on a single page and their comments are able to be copied and pasted into the comment area for the summary evaluation.
An average grade is provided to define the automated recommended grade.

Cumulative Average:
The cumulative average from each individual student performance evaluation is provided for this question as a reference. The final text box is also a cumulative average of all grades of each summary criteria as set by the summary evaluator. This number is independent of the Cumulative Averages set in the individual student performance evaluations.

Final Course Grade Option:
The Student Performance Evaluation Summary leads to the Final Course Grade section. This is the final grade for the student for the entire rotation.