How to Track Attendance at TUSM

Click on "View your Attendance"

You can access your attendance when you are in the calendar view (the Oasis home page for most students).

Review the list of your events and your attendance status

Here is a list of Attendance Status

Status Entry:      What It's Used For
Attended:  You successfully scanned the QR code within 15 minutes of the start of class/lab.
Unknown: Status when no attendance registration was received. The OSA will determine what is the appropriate attendance status for you on this date.
Excused:  Absence is excused per the TUSM Attendance Policy.
Excused for personal reasons: Absence is excused for personal reasons per the TUSM Attendance Policy
Unexcused: Absence is unexcused per the TUSM Attendance Policy.
Unexcused-no penalty: Absence is unexcused per the TUSM Attendance Policy but there were extenuating circumstances that you discussed with the OSA.
Late: You successfully scanned the QR code but was not within 15 minutes of the start of class/lab. 
Lateā€“no penalty: You successfully scanned the QR code but was not within 15 minutes of the start of class/lab but there were extenuating circumstances that you discussed with the OSA.