How do I Get Started in OASIS?

OASIS is an online platform designed to meet the unique needs of health sciences faculty and instructors. You can use OASIS to track your students' academic progress and communicate with them. The platform includes a range of useful features, including ePortfolios and Coaching tools.

Visit Tufts' OASIS site to log in

Go to:

We recommend that you bookmark this link.

On the log-in screen click "Tufts Students and Staff"

Sign in with your Tufts Username and Password

OASIS uses Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) during login, for added security. Learn more about 2FA at Tufts here:

Getting Help in OASIS

At the bottom of every page in OASIS you'll find this message:

To get in touch with the OASIS team quickly when working in OASIS, click "contact the TUSM Registrar's OASIS team via email", to send an email directly to [email protected]