VET OASIS Lottery Grid Swap Requesting and Accepting
The OASIS Clinical Lottery is now complete and each student participating in the lottery now have a grid assigned. To view your grid and see what is available, log into OASIS.
- Click Reselect year and select "2025-2026"
If you do not have a grid assigned in the 2025-2026 academic year, please contact [email protected]

How to Request a Grid Swap

The assigned grid will appear.
To view all available grids to swap, click on "View or Swap Grids"
Click on "View" to the left the assigned grid or any grid available to view the full schedule in a vertical view.

To initiate a swap request, find the desired grid and click on Swap.
This will create an email process to send to all current students assigned the desired grid.

Once the Swap link is clicked, a Swap Grid Request Email appears.
Confirm that the desired grid is correct.
If an additional message is needed, it can be added in the text box provided
It is not recommended to include any names or other identifying language. The swap request are expected to be anonymous.

Once a "Request email" is previewed, it can be sent.
Click "Send."

If the student has a Grid Request pending, only the student assigned that specific grid can cancel the request by clicking on the Trash icon.
Students can only have 5 pending Grid Swap Requests. If additional requests are needed, previous request need to be canceled.

How to Accept a Grid Swap Request
If other students make a request for an assigned grid, the request will be sent by email and also a Accept Swap will be posted on your OASIS page.
Click Accept Swap based on the grid you would prefer or leave the request in the queue and do not act on the requested grid swap
Swap Request are assigned to a specific grid and not the student. If a grid is swapped and has multiple requests, those requests move with the grid.
Students can not remove a Swap Request from the Grid queue.
Once a Swap is accepted, the originally assigned grid is no longer associated to the student and swaps can not be reversed without restarting the Request Swap process.