How do I Access a Report in OASIS?
The reporting tools in OASIS give you access to data about your students' academic performance and background information.
NOTE: You can only access information about students who are assigned to you.
To Access reports, log into OASIS
Visit this link to log in:
In the top menu click "Students" and choose "Advisor Access"

On the Advisor Access screen click "My Students"

Select Student and Year from the dropdown menus

Choose a report from the "Select Report" menu

Click "Load Report" to view the report

The most relevant reports are explained below.

In OASIS admins maintain student grades for students and coaches to check.
Coaches can access two versions of the gradebook. The regular "GradeBook" displays grades as students see them, and "Gradebook as Admin" displays all grades and notes entered into the gradebook.
In addition to grades, the gradebook can contain the following:
- Median and Mean grades for assignments
- Short narrative comments from instructors
- Links to outside graded activities, such as Learning Space (sim center videos)
- Notes, including notes indicating that Student Evaluations are ready
- Documents, such as assignments and research papers submitted by students

Click the name of an Evaluation to view information. Both Student Performance Evaluations filled out by faculty/graders, and Peer-to-Peer Evaluations filled out by students, will be listed here.
NOTE: Faculty/Course Evaluations submitted by students are not available via this menu.

The ACAD History is repository for documents regarding the student, including their AMCAS application, and "Getting to Know You" form.

The Unofficial Course/Grade Report contains a list of all current and past courses for the student, and the final grades submitted to OASIS.
NOTE: this is not the students official transcript. Please report any errors to Tufts University School of Medicine Registrar’s Office.