Educational Technology User GuidesOASISCoachesHow do I log student meetings?

How do I log student meetings?

The Oasis Portfolio Projects Tool provides a straightforward method for logging, tracking, and analyzing student meetings. By using this tool, we enhance accountability and transparency in our coaching process.

Open Portfolio Projects

Click on "Create a new project"

Input the project title

Select a tag to categorize the meeting

Click on Add Tag

Assign the Project

  1. Select the student(s) you met with. All your students should be visible in the dropdown menu.
  2. If you met with a group of students, you can create a new student group. For example, you could create a group called "First Year" and name it M. 25.
  3. Once you've selected the student(s) or group, click "Assign to Selected Student(s)".

Set the due date as the current date

Check "Completed" and then "Submit".

The "Update All Due Dates" feature can be used to set the due date for all selected students at once.