Events Creation and Edits Within Interface
Manage > Event Based Courses > Edit Event Calendar
Event Calendar
- Add New Event: Click on empty space at approximate date and time.
- Edit Existing Event: Click on Event Title.
Select Course for new Event

- Select a course: In the drop down.
- Select a location: For first two years of events, it should be TM-Tufts. (Even for Maine Events) Third and Fourth years do not have events.
- Select a timetable entry: There should only be one instance of a timetable entry. If the event being entered is outside of the date range, there may be an error message, but a broad grace period before and after the start and end date was set.
- Click "Go to Add Event."
New Event Fields
Repeating Event:
- Not Repeating: A single event
- Every day / Every day and wknd: If the event is on every day within a week.
- Weekly: Select the specific days.
- End after: This is the total number of events. If this event is every Tuesday and Thursdays for 6 weeks, the number should be 12 times.
Weekly Events require extra attention when editing a single event that is within repeating schedule. When editing, select only to edit this selection. If the events were originally imported through the Excel import, there will be non repeating events.

Adding and Editing an Existing Calendar Event:
Click on the Event Title (Currently with the Line Through It)
Key and Required Fields:
- Event Date: Event should take place between the start and end dates, but there is a default grace period outside of those dates.
- Event Start Time
- Length: In minutes.
- Room: This can be Text or use the drop down. The drop down is preferred and the list is available at
- Title
- Short Name: Limited to 16 characters.
- Instructional Method: This helps generate the Yearly AAMC Curriculum Inventory (CI) Report and improves reporting and search
- Record Event: If being recorded by Echo, but it does not trigger any recording functionality in Echo.
- Report to CI: Yes if it should show up on AAMC CI Report.
- Instructors: Optional, but encouraged.
This section requires a student group to be select to it shows up on student's "My Events."
Any links or text can be added to the Notes, Content URL and Content URL Description.
Objectives can be added and it will improve Curriculum Mapping and Search.
This area is optional. It improves reporting within OASIS and also iSEEK Search.
Click Save when complete.
If this event should be copied and updates are needed, such as same exact event, but different date. Click Copy.