Academic Affairs: Creating Base Student Performance Evaluations - Manage Menu
This documentation creates a Base Student Performance Evaluation with existing Questions from the Question Pool.
Student Performance Evaluations can be edited in two separate areas: "Manage" and "Course." Manage allows you to set up Base Evaluations that can be applied across multiple courses to provide continuity. At the Base Evaluation level, questions, instructions, and options can all be set up. All Student Performance Evaluations must first be created at the Manage Menu as Base Evaluations before they can be assigned to a course. There are some Options and Settings that can be defined at the Base Evaluation menu, but can be overridden at a course by course level.
Evaluations also have a Versioning Release process - when an evaluation is released and live, it cannot be edited. Release and Inactivate functionality of the evaluations are date based.
Click Manage and #6 Evaluations to access Evaluation Menu.
- Under Student Performance Evaluations, Click Edit and Set-up Base Evaluations.

Creating a New Base Student Performance Evaluation:

Click "New Base Evaluation"
OASIS attempts to keep content group together as well as possible, so when new content is being created, it requires a search of existing content to void duplications. This is very beneficial to broad reporting purposes. Please be aware of possible existing content when creating a new evaluation. A search of the existing Base Evaluations would minimize this risk.
Once the drop down is selected to "No.", add a Name and Instructions. Both fields can be edited throughout the process.
Click Save.
Editing Base Evaluation
Select the title of an existing Base Evaluation to edit the fields that can be changed.
If Yes is selected when prompted "Are you editing, updating or even replacing an existing Evaluations?" Click Cancel and select the title of an existing Student Performance Evaluation.

Adding Questions:
All Clinical Assessment Student Performance Evaluation questions follow a Multiple Choice option, so click on "Add Mult. Choice."
This will prompt for a search of existing questions. Depending on the specific criteria, most of the questions will be created based on previous base evaluations created.
*** The Weighting of Specific Multiple Choice Questions will follow slightly different pre-setup and planning process so the question selection will be slightly different.

After the initial Base Student Performance Evaluation is created, there will be a pool of existing questions.
Search the Question Pool by entering a Question Matches keyword. Click "Search"
If the specific Question and Multiple Choice Set fit the criteria needed, click "Add"
Repeat these steps until all Criteria is setup.
Click Save.