Faculty/Staff: Exporting Individual and All Course Event Calendars into MS Outlook
Veterinary OASIS Instance: https://tufts-vetmed.oasisscheduling.com
With the OASIS to Canvas Event Calendar Integration, all updates and changes to an event calendar should be done only in OASIS by the Registrar or OASIS trained staff. Please do not make any manual updates to a Canvas Event.
This will interrupt the integration and any updates to that event made by the Registrar in OASIS will not update in OASIS.
Any user assigned as an "Instructor" in the OASIS Event Calendar will be able to see their own events under the "Show My Events." From this view the OASIS user will be able to Export their events into their individual event calendar applications, such as:
- Mac/iOS
- Google / Yahoo Calendar
- Outlook Internet Calendar
- Mozilla / FireFox Calendar Extension
- Mozilla Sunbird
This will allow the user to only see their events in their MS Outlook or personal event calendar application.
OASIS users can also export the entire academic calendar through the same tool.
Exporting "Show My Events" to an External Event Calendar Application:
There are two Views within OASIS:
- Show My Events: For faculty/staff, if an OASIS users is assigned as an instructor, the event will show up in under "Show My Events."
- Show All Events: To see all of the events for the entire academic calendar, selected "Show All Events" and check the appropriate Boxes.
To Export either view, click on the Export Button on the left tool bar, boxed in red.
Calendar Export Menu

Individualized Course Event Calendar
There are top options to create URL's to export an event calendar:
- My Individualized Course Event Calendar
- All Course / All Event Event Calendar
Calendaring application: Select the appropriate application. For most Tufts University users, Outlook Internet Calendar would be best.
Type of reminder: Select with or without sound.
When to trigger the reminder: Select the amount of time in minutes.
Number of days to export: This ranges from 1 to 18 weeks.
The OASIS Event Calendar Export is a dynamic calendar that only needs to be exported once and will updated on a regular feed. The number of days to export represents the current view that will be available within the individual calendar in real time. After the first day or week, additional days will update automatically, so the export will not need to be constantly updated.
If one week is selected, the user will only see the current week available in their selected application, but as each day passes, additional days will be updated into the application to stays up to date 7 days out.
The greater amount of weeks takes additional bandwidth and resources to maintain, so select the weeks that best fit the user's needs. 18 weeks will allow the user to search furthest into the future, but also will take additional resources from the device.
Start of new course reminder: If an instructor is assigned to multiple events, when an instructor has the first event of a course a reminder can be created.
Start of new course reminder: Select with or without sound.
When to trigger the reminder: Select the amount of time in days.
Click Save.
This will trigger a URL to be created for both areas. Click on the URL that based on what calendar is needed.

Click the URL or paste into a browser.
Open the file or save the file.

This will open within the appropriate application.
Depending on the application, MS Outlook will create an new calendar under Other Calendars in the Calendar tool.

All Course / All Events Calendar
To export an entire academic year or multiple years into an export to an event application:
Select Course Modules: Select the appropriate year or years. This will export all of the course, regardless of which users are the instructors.
For best use within the calendar, select a single year or checkbox when exporting a single calendar. Multiple checkboxes or years will create a large file and also a very busy event calendar in the selected application.
Calendaring application: Select the appropriate application. For most Tufts University users, Outlook Internet Calendar would be best.
Number of days to export: This ranges from 1 to 18 weeks.
Click Save.
This will trigger a URL to be created for both areas. Click on the URL that based on what calendar is needed.

Click the URL or paste into a browser.
Open the file or save the file.

This will open within the appropriate application.
Depending on the application, MS Outlook will create an new calendar under Other Calendars in the Calendar tool.